Leo Herod

Leo enjoyed being creative from the get go. He spent many hours in the art room in Highschool making jewelry and ceramics.

Later in life, Leo was a structural and crash firefighter in the USAF, where he received many high honors for a job well done. He was inspired by his art teacher in high school so he studied Art Education in college and received a Bachelor's degree.

He was also very athletically inclined, spending many years swimming, running and entering half marathons and triathlons. So to do a Yoga teacher training With The Veterans Yoga Project with an emphasis on Mindful Resilience was something Leo was destined for.

Mindful resilience focuses on calming the parasympathetic nervous system in order for the body to go into rest and digest mode where healing takes place.

Leo is also a practicing clairvoyant. He reads Aura’s to help spirits in a body achieve their life's goals. He also uses many different modalities of healing for the mind, body and spirit.

Leo brings a combination of energy and creativity for the task at hand and an intuition that allows for a mindful, fun and integrating yoga practice.